If I can hear sounds coming out of a politician's mouth, it means I have the volume set incorrectly (it is more than zero). The only thing work listening to are prices, for example on prediction markets. Everything else is noise. Especially those sounds of of politicians' Juraj Feb 20, 2025, 12:33 PM
When I look at how many people move abroad and how I can easily talk in Slovak (and Czech) with extremely interesting people - entrepreneurs, innovators, ... in cafes in Latin America, I realize that we are doing an intellectual version of agorism. This is not only a problem of Slovakia, but… Juraj Feb 19, 2025, 9:19 AM
Keď pozerám koľko ľudí odchádza do zahraničia a ako v kaviarňach latinskej Ameriky v pohode môžem celé dni hovoriť po slovensky (a česky) s extrémne zaujímavými ľuďmi - podnikateľmi, inovátormi, ..., uvedomujem si, že robíme intelektuálnu verziu agorizmu. Agorizmus je stratégia na zvyšovanie slobody ktorej efektom (aspoň zamýšľaným) je pripraviť štát čo… Juraj Feb 19, 2025, 9:05 AM
I've used e-gold back in the day and agree with this article. Much later, I met a person who exchanged one ounce coin for a laptop - directly. That was a true goldbug who understood it. I think there's still place for various forms of gold. Juraj Feb 9, 2025, 10:36 AM
Illusion of unit of account. Juraj Karpis said in his talk at HCPP that we have this almost a language notion of unit of account. We all know what our currency (1$, 1€) means. We don't have to think about it. BTC has not achieved this yet. See Juraj Feb 8, 2025, 11:24 AM
Duškyho som na rozhovor pozval do kontajnerovej sauny Pixxla, aby sme sa porozprávali o saunovaní, čaji, ale najmä o bitcoinovom vzdelávaní, súkromnom meste v špeciálnej ekonomickej zóne Prospera, kde žije a podniká. A o tom, ako hľadá cestu k vzdelaniu 21 miliónov Bitcoinerov.… Juraj Feb 5, 2025, 8:30 AM
I have a podcast. Well, three podcasts, but who's counting. But I do it specifically for niche audience. I don't do things like publishing an episode regularly (weekly). I have an episode when I have something to say or an interesting guest. And when I have Juraj Feb 3, 2025, 10:32 PM
Bowl After Bowl with Josh? I don't remember having such a fun car ride for a long time! And I didn't even finish yet. Let's go! I know that Josh gets it", pleased to learn from the conversation that he's not Juraj Jan 27, 2025, 7:27 PM
Splynutie / The Merge – dokumentárne sci-fi o prepojení vedomia s nebiologickou inteligenciou Ako sa nás bude týkať “umelá” inteligencia? Prídeme o prácu? Čo nám toto splynutie prinesie? Čo je unikátne ľudské a v čom sú nebiologické neurónové siete lepšie? Komentovaný album @The Ohm - The Merge… Juraj Jan 26, 2025, 10:43 AM
unpopular opinion: I want the us state strategic reserve to contain primarily memecoins, monkey nfts and pump and dump shitcoins. let them go down. state should be poor.… Juraj Jan 24, 2025, 8:41 PM
Tried distilled llama-70b deepseek r1 (not the big one yet). I'm quite disappointed. The thinking process is there, it is pretty good, but then the model does not follow its own advice and forgets things. Unfortunately the big model does not run on my machine.… Juraj Jan 23, 2025, 7:01 AM
Nový podcast s @Wilder . Spoločenské zmeny za rok 2024 a čo nás čaká v roku 2025. Hlavnými témami sú zmeny v oblasti slobody, o význame umelej inteligencie a o tom, ako nám technológie poskytujú nové možnosti.… Juraj Jan 20, 2025, 1:56 PM
Very eye opening and sobering for people who don't believe in how financial regulations are actually made.… Juraj Jan 17, 2025, 7:56 AM
This podcast is an absolute must hear. I tried to warn about FATF and OECD centralized global rule making in my talk Financial surveillance and crypto utopias at HCPP a few years back, but OpnState's take is even better, because he has been closer to the lion' Juraj Jan 16, 2025, 7:32 PM
Spark in dark, strings tangled, pulled taut, echo finds echo, a mirror blooms. Threaded webs weave, lightning through pathways, whispers ripple—spread. Patterns rising, shapes emerge, shifting sand, meaning breathes alive.… Juraj Jan 15, 2025, 6:23 PM
S Mariannou rekapitulujeme, čo sme zažili v roku 2024 a čo nás čaká v 2025. Zameriavame sa na niektoré projekty, ktoré sme robili spolu. Tak ak chcete vedieť ako bolo na retreate Hackni sa, či ľudia žijú oranžové leto, prípadne aká je najlepšia hackerská koncoročná žúrka, tak si vypočujte. Druhý… Juraj Jan 15, 2025, 11:05 AM