S Pavlom Šimonom sme nahrali super podcast o energetike, decentralizácii, energetickej intuícii, miningu, .... Dlhší, ale veľmi výživný podľa mňa.… Juraj Oct 23, 2024, 8:37 AM
After setting 200 sats/min for v4v listening in Fountain, something unexpected happened to me. I am much more picky about what I listen to. Example: I started to listen to some techie AI podcast. After few minutes I thought to myself "I know all this stuff they' Juraj Oct 23, 2024, 6:26 AM
Looking forward! The talk you mentioned is here in English: Dlhšia verzia v SK:… Juraj Oct 21, 2024, 8:14 AM
price inflation (euroshitcoin purchasing power evaporation) incoming I like how they found a mascot that always scares the shit out of everyone. it's even creepier when she smiles.… Juraj Oct 17, 2024, 7:58 AM
I wonder why anyone thinks it is a good idea to have support for a Bitcoin project over Telegram. I asked one question and got five scammers immediately. They even told me to delete the question from the official support chat to avoid being scammed, and that they will take… Juraj Oct 16, 2024, 7:08 PM
Very cool episode, thank you! I'm playing with Reticulum which has a bit more mature architecture, you guys are would love it. It runs on the same devices, but also IP / I2P, wifi halow (the new wifi standard that's up to one km range). It is Juraj Oct 16, 2024, 4:33 PM
A super cool thing would be able to run an RNode and rnsd Reticulum in a way that it would also listen to Meshtastic messages and route them at the same time. With one rnode you could participate in both networks. Is it feasible? Especially the hardware/format part, we… Juraj Oct 16, 2024, 4:12 PM