What about accounts that only speak different language and the reposts? Many posts are not relevant in English. For example new tax law for crypto in Slovakia should be most probably ignored by anyone who does not speak the language. Who should do the tldr? When i post in czsk, Juraj Jul 7, 2023, 11:07 AM
How should I approach multilingual content here? I sometimes want to share an article that is in Czech or slovak language. My options are: prefix the post with CZSK or flag emoticons or create a new account. I don't want to bother people who don't understand Juraj Jul 7, 2023, 10:15 AM
CZSK: Tip na knihu: Hans Hermann Hoppe: Demokracia: Boh, ktorý zlyhal Hoppeho kniha Demokracia: Boh, ktorý zlyhal konečne vyšla v našom lokálnom priestore - v českom jazyku. Jedná sa o pomerne kontroverznú knihu, ale nenašiel som v nej okrem použitého jazyka nič v skutočnosti kontroverzné alebo nepravdivé. Hoppe vysvetľuje, že to, Juraj Jul 7, 2023, 10:03 AM
CZSK: Moje zvyšovanie slobody nekončí a preto som sa rozhodol sprostredkovať vám nové spôsoby, ako nad slobodou rozmýšľam. Z predchádzajúcich vydaní asi chápete, že stratégia “počkáme si, kým sa zmení svet/systém” nie je úplne realistická - nemusíme sa dočkať. Hľadanie “úniku” však tiež nie je cesta, mali by sme robiť… Juraj Jul 7, 2023, 7:46 AM
CZSK: Pre Alzu som písal seriál o umelej inteligencii a je dosť kúl. Štvrtý (posledný) diel bude von čoskoro, na prvé tri sa preklikáte odtiaľto. Takmer vôbec neriešim chatgpt, ale najmä open source modely...… Juraj Jul 7, 2023, 7:45 AM
The National Assembly in France adopted article 3 of the Justice bill which authorizes the authorities to remotely activate the cameras and microphones of telephones or other connected devices without the knowledge of the persons concerned. 80 votes for, 24 against ⚠️⚠️⚠️… Juraj Jul 6, 2023, 10:04 AM
I would love to see this experiment and I'm often wrong about these things.… Juraj Jul 6, 2023, 7:17 AM
I constantly hear people trying to justify the need for Bitcoin (or unschooling, search for liberty,...). The need does not matter. We don't need to justify anything. We want it, we pay the price (=demonstrate preference in the presence of scarcity). This also applies to talking to others Juraj Jul 6, 2023, 7:06 AM