This year's HCPP (the last one in a sense) was pretty special for me. As probably the only conference fully dedicated to cryptoanarchy it was always my favorite. This year it was mostly about personal connections for me. I feel that over past few years, people have been Juraj Oct 9, 2024, 4:00 PM
Welcome @Lizz Nakamoto - Anon Innovator to Nostr. She is a shared identity that can be used by people who want to share cool Cypherpunk projects anonymously. Usually, this is quite a big problem, because if you want to share open source code and want to stay anonymous, you can' Juraj Oct 9, 2024, 10:33 AM
Example entry Btw Lizz was not created by me, I find it cool that someone else has found a use for it besides grumpy libertarian posts!… Juraj Oct 9, 2024, 8:56 AM
I am not very impressed by the expensive stuff. When a wine seller tells me they have a bottle of wine they are selling for $10k, all it tells me is that someone has written a price tag. I might sell my toenail for $10k, but that would not impress… Juraj Oct 8, 2024, 9:44 PM
v4v Let's talk about value4value. I listen to and get value from many podcasts. I'm ruthless and stop listening if they are boring. So when I listen, they are valuable to me. And it does not always mean mind-blowing tech stuff, it can be people who Juraj Oct 8, 2024, 12:51 PM
if there was a championship of regulatory arbitrage, I think the winner would be less than 12 years old, probably around 6.… Juraj Oct 8, 2024, 11:12 AM
K zvyšovaniu daní pripomínam blog z roku 2017 (je aj v knihe Hackni sa) s názvom "Bohatí ľudia neplatia dane". Dane mimochodom neplatia ani firmy, tie ich len vyberajú pre štát, peniaze idú vždy od koncových zákazníkov.… Juraj Oct 2, 2024, 7:52 PM