I did not know about this project. Very cool, but I am on core lightning not lnd, so I can't use it as is. But having many options is best!… Juraj Sep 30, 2024, 12:28 PM
New Free and Open Source microproject for podcasters: A podcasting 2.0 boosts dashboard, created from @Core_LN's listinvoices output. I have a podcast, but I want to be sovereign and not host my boosts on a third party (such as Alby, although nothing against them, I just Juraj Sep 29, 2024, 9:37 AM
V tomto podcaste spájam viacero tém, ale hlavnou témou je "case study" podnikavosti. Keď som robil Výzvu podnikavosti, niektorí ľudia to pochopili ako výzvu založiť startup. To je samozrejme tiež dobré splnenie výzvy, ale môj pohľad na podnikavosť je oveľa širší. V tomto podcaste vám predstavím jeden môj Juraj Sep 28, 2024, 2:56 PM
Testing testing, sending message to Košice, is there anybody out there? @Paralelná Polis Košice… Juraj Sep 25, 2024, 3:17 PM
Venice's new combo is fun and food for thought - they're using a Dolphin 🐬 variant fine-tuned from a Chinese qwen base model. Ironic that it seems the Western woke models like Gemini/Gemma are more censored than the ones approved by the Chinese Communist Party (I Juraj Sep 22, 2024, 12:37 PM
Mnohí z nás podnikáme kvôli slobode. Slobodu však každý vníma inak a nie každý vidí “za roh” slobody – podnikanie môže priniesť dokonca aj rôzne formy neslobody. Ktoré z týchto problémov dokáže riešiť Bitcoin? Ako sa rozhodnúť medzi investovaním do podnikania a kúpou Bitcoinu? Je očakávaný výnos podnikania vyšší ako Bitcoinu? Juraj Sep 21, 2024, 6:43 PM
Last year, I went to a family vacation in Thailand. At sunset, this was everyday happening at the beach. Usually they used phones not cameras though. Self organization was very funny, they were in corridors, so it looked like they were at the beach alone. It was packed with people… Juraj Sep 21, 2024, 6:44 AM