and with proper hipster coffee, Cypherpunk visions and trends 2023-2025 couldn't be in better company. Enjoy both!… Juraj Sep 9, 2024, 7:11 AM
It is very weird that we are getting back to 1970s price of airplane tickets - but not for any kind of premium service. The dropping of price of air travel was one of the nice things of technological progress, interconnecting the world. On second thought though, the price has really… Juraj Sep 8, 2024, 7:46 AM
Hey @primal what about supporting Bitcoin wallets installed on device like @Amethyst ? The in-built wallet that asks for private information is not very good and NWC is not yet widely adopted (mostly custodial wallets). With other clients I can just use whatever Lightning wallets I have on my device, Juraj Sep 7, 2024, 7:48 PM
Internet je pokazený, opravme ho – obchod s pozornosťou, nešifrovanie, centralizácia, identita Internet je pokazený. Všetko je zadarmo, takže sme produktom obchodu s našou pozornosťou. Na akúkoľvek bežnú činnosť potrebujeme účet a odovzdať osobné údaje. Z pôvodne decentralizovanej siete sa stáva centralizovaná sieť ovládaná korporáciami a cez korporácie štátmi. Koncept sociálnej… Juraj Sep 2, 2024, 9:33 PM
True, but it has a different kind of social discovery. These networks are very powerful. I like to talk about this example - suppose a country bans Bitcoin. It is still useful as money, as a savings technology. Some want to get in, some need to spend it. But they can& Juraj Sep 1, 2024, 6:16 PM
Pomohol som aktualizovať článok o Nostr pre Bitcoin Alza. Môžete zdieľať kamošom. A ak si stále myslíte, že to je iba divný Twitter, pozrite sa na to aké možnosti a aplikácie nad ním existujú už dnes.… Juraj Sep 1, 2024, 6:30 AM