Veľmi pekný článok od R. Chovanculiaka. Večná téma, aplikovaná v závere na školstvo. "Pri „krajine zdatnosti“ je potrebné pripomenúť, že to nie je nejaká statická hádanka, ktorú má evolúcia rozlúštiť. Krajina zdatnosti sa neustále mení. A to nie len kvôli tomu, že sa v prírode neustále vyvíja fyzické, neživé Juraj Aug 20, 2024, 9:29 AM
Hey @primal, there is this annoying bug. I have a folding Android device (Pixel Fold with GrapheneOS). It either looks like this, where only half of the screen is used, or it is full screen and blinks through black screen a few times per second (that's when I Juraj Aug 19, 2024, 11:04 PM
asknostr Which Nostr client has the best new user onboarding experience and why? Needs to be multiplatform (at least Android and iOS). I am updating an older article on Nostr, which shows a client that no longer exists. Where should I point new users? Preferably it should be able to scan… Juraj Aug 19, 2024, 9:46 PM
@Satlantis I have a few questions - how do I update the bitcoin accepting merchants? We have a few up to date maps on other platforms for a city, I would like to import it to Satlantis. Do I create Nostr events somehow? Do I have to be approved to do… Juraj Aug 19, 2024, 7:36 PM
I am working on collective identities on Nostr, such @The Pro State. It is basically an anonymous microblog based on Nostr. But you don't have to use Nostr to use it. You can read it through and write through clicking the link, or here: You need to know Juraj Aug 19, 2024, 5:49 PM
I've updated the article on encrypted communication tools again. I've added Keet, I've completely updated Status because they have an epic new version that's more decentralized and it's a replacement for Discord rather than Signal. I threw out XX messenger Juraj Aug 19, 2024, 5:36 PM
Znova som aktualizoval článok o šifrovaných komunikačných nástrojoch. Pridal som Keet, úplne som aktualizoval Status, lebo majú epickú novú verziu, ktorá je decentralizovanejšia a je to skôr náhrada Discordu ako Signalu. Vyhodil som XX messenger, lebo ho prestali vyvíjať. A pridal som Nostr-based messengers - priame správy, 0xchat a keychat. Juraj Aug 19, 2024, 5:32 PM