A radio station that plays just songs that are tautologies. Example songs: Life is life, Que sera sera. @eso-level-estimator… Juraj Aug 12, 2024, 3:47 PM
For some reason, Coracle stopped working in Firefox. The console has many CORS errors, probably something is not set correctly. I just get a blank page.… Juraj Aug 12, 2024, 9:05 AM
I did not expect this to be the case, but for coding shell script, I had much better success today with the new LLaMA-3.1-405B (through venice.ai) than through paid chatgpt. ChatGPT did not even get what I wanted, LLaMA wrote almost correct shell script in the… Juraj Aug 12, 2024, 8:21 AM
To podcasters: please, stop with zoom calls for interviews. The sound quality is horrible. Use zencaster or something similar that records audio locally on every participants computer.… Juraj Aug 7, 2024, 11:44 AM
When someone says Bitcoin is not crypto, I know they are just parroting something they don't understand. Bitcoin uses cryptography to create digital currency. It is a cryptocurrency. Saying it's not is like saying air is not gas. Yes, many types of gas are toxic and Juraj Aug 7, 2024, 8:59 AM