Sharing code with my latest experiment - a Nostr based (but does not force users to use Nostr clients, works over web) anonymous microblog. Have a community that would like to create a persona that would want to share something, but anonymity is good? You can do it now on Nostr. Juraj Jul 25, 2024, 8:09 PM
This one is super fun, hidden trolling of chatgpt, a story of analog encryption and of course Cashu token over QR code over analog audio.… Juraj Jul 24, 2024, 2:10 PM
Musk installed laser eyes and tweeted this. Don't know what it means, probably nothing, but interesting.… Juraj Jul 22, 2024, 6:30 PM
SK/CZ: Mám teraz dosť noviniek, tak som ich zhrnul do newslettera, ak nestíhate sledovať, tak takto pekne pohromade.… Juraj Jul 21, 2024, 4:31 PM
SK/CZ: Chcem robiť webinár na tému podnikanie (vo fiat svete, čo je teda skoro každé podnikanie). Webinár bude zadarmo, ale potrebujem naň od vás vstupy, takže prístup dostane každý, kto pekne vyplní formulár. Čím lepšie ho vyplníte, tým lepší bude obsah pre vás. Na konci to bude chcieť buď… Juraj Jul 21, 2024, 10:51 AM
Drinking V60 coffee blended by AI based on previous successful blends of the roaster It's pretty good. Everyone's touched by AI now, which means it's a huge bubble. But also, I drink AI blended coffee,.so it's also real.… Juraj Jul 21, 2024, 7:07 AM