I the campervan, I have no use for excess energy. And there is plenty. Unfortunately I cannot connect the panels on the van to the house. I was thinking about mining, but the capital costs are too high.… Juraj Sep 25, 2023, 9:05 AM
I used to pre-cool the house with ACs when there was excess energy, but I am mainly doing it for resillience against the failures of the grid, so I got another battery and there will be no excess energy unfortunately, I use all I make. I don't Juraj Sep 25, 2023, 9:04 AM
If you've been wondering why is the hipster coffee scale so expensive and why you can't just buy any scale with 0.1g precision to make your V60, you are missing the fact that hipster scales measure grams per second do you can be sure you Juraj Sep 25, 2023, 7:30 AM
SK: Prechod do tretieho tisícročia bol po trochu hrboľatej ceste. Boli sme zvyknutí na stabilitu, zažili sme hneď niekoľko bublín a ich spľasnutí, pandémiu a chaos. Náš mozog je pripravený na lineárny a stabilný svet, ale pre tretie tisícročie potrebujeme byť pripravení na volatilitu, krízy, chyby centrálneho plánovania a popri… Juraj Sep 24, 2023, 10:36 PM
SK: Teším sa, že sa môžem podeliť o svoju najnovšiu epizódu podcastu, tentoraz na tému Bitcoin vs. fiat mindsety! V čom bitcoineri rozmýšľajú inak ako fiatový mainstream? Ako nadšenci bitcoinu vidia svet, akú silu má diverzifikované vedomie ako protipól monokultúry myslenia? 🎙️🎧… Juraj Sep 24, 2023, 8:40 PM
Victron remote management Showing my photovoltaic system parameters - if I'm charging battery, what's the electricity consumption,... It's super interesting, I get a feel of all energy flows in the house.… Juraj Sep 24, 2023, 6:12 AM