Did not fit this into my already packed talk for Monerotopia, but this is still fun. An artist called Paolo Cirio "hacked" Cayman Islands public registry. He started selling artistic interpretations of "certificates of incorporation", in order to allow anyone to use these companies.

Where's the harm in that - since Cayman Islands at that time did not require anyone to keep accounting, the tax was 0% and no one really knew who owned these companies anyway (a lot of them were registered using nominee owners and nominee directors), people could use this certificate and invoice their clients, receive their money and all would work. It would probably still work if payment was crypto (not advising you to do this, this is probably fraud!).

He wanted to democratize this access to tax loopholes for all, in order to show how the rich evade taxes. I think it shows that the poor could also do something like this, an invoice is just a nicely formatted excel file. Again, not suggesting anything but thinking about it. Your thoughts?
