I have a podcast. Well, three podcasts, but who's counting. But I do it specifically for niche audience. I don't do things like publishing an episode regularly (weekly). I have an episode when I have something to say or an interesting guest. And when I have time and I'm in a mood. I've done over 100 episodes so far. There are no advertisements for hardware wallets, VPNs, or probiotics. I do occasionally have a referral.
But this is interesting. I've been playing with YouTube monetization. My reach was just enough to apply for YouTube's monetization features. At that time about half of the listeners used YouTube to listen.
I'm also publishing RSS feed with value tags for a long time now.
YouTube's monetization: annoying for audience unless they block ads or buy YouTube premium. And I have never made the 50 bucks required for payout. I stopped the monetization, it just sucks for everyone
Podcasting 2.0: I share splits with all collaborators and guests. Each episode is a common project. We all get to read the boosts. They are way better than YouTube comments, people send sats and love. No grumpy angry people.
... but but but .... podcasting 2.0 has no reach, right?
It might be true, but I really made at least the 50k sats that I've never seen on YouTube. And Spotify for podcasters does not share anything.
It is still a labor of love. I still lose money on the podcast. But if I wanted to focus on growing revenue, the best decision seems to be growing v4v. Not old recipes, the new world is better.
End of announcement.