After listening to Peter McCormack with Mutiny Wallet, I have a lot of thoughts.

First of all, it's an amazing product, PWA, this is cryptoanarchy!

I'll read on more about the subscription tech, that looks great.

A few notes:
- talking about security, you did not mention the main problem with PWAs, which is not solvable with third party verifiers and that is the fact, that the web server can serve different Javascript for different users. With stores this is difficult, you can't target someone and give them a different binary, so reproducible builds and auditing do really help. But if I learn someone's ip address or deliver them a tracking cookie, I can steal from them specifically while the whole internet thinks that there's no backdoor. Working with critical it systems in the past, vendors would often ship hotfixes specifically for customers and we would always tell them "nope, ship it publicly through official channel, we don't want a hotfix for us". Maybe serving static html/js via ipfs-like system with fixed hashes?

- is there some news about dlcs? I'm super excited about dlcs, I've interview Philipp from Get10101.

I am super excited about dlcs embedded in lightning channels.

10101's stablesats implementation, done in a compatible way would be amazing in Mutiny and I'm sure there's a way how you both can make money on the fees - I don't think handling market makers and oracles is very easy, I would let 10101 people do it and Mutiny can charge fees for opening positions as well.

- one way to monetize Mutiny might be integration with shift services in a specific way. In central europe there are many shops that accept onchain btc and ltc. I don't want to hold any ltc and onchain btc fees can be very high. If I can scan a ltc qr code and it would get paid from my lightning balance, I would pay for this service. There are also online services that accept only onchain payments. There are weird people who want different coins too and I'd like to be able to scan and send while using only lightning.

- a pos mode with a lightning channel with higher incoming liquidity (paid for) and ability to autodump incoming shitcoins to lightning would be great