Rise in the lunarpunk skies

In the shadows where the free minds roam,
In the dark forest, we find our home.
Anonymity's our cloak, in whispers, we speak,
A world of secrets, for the bold, not the meek.

Rise, rise, in the lunarpunk skies,
Where the mind ascends and the spirit flies.
In the dance of codes, where our freedom lies,
Under the moon's glow, our revolution never dies.

(Verse 2)
Through the tangled webs, our messages soar,
Private whispers from shore to shore.
In the cryptic night, we find our way,
A symphony of silence, where we hold sway.

Rise, rise, in the lunarpunk skies,
In the realm of shadows, our spirit defies.
With each encrypted word, our bond solidifies,
In the dark forest, our anthem forever amplifies.

In the lunarpunk dreams, we claim our domain,
In the dark forest, our ideals remain.
Ascend with us, let your spirit unchain,
In the world of the free mind, we forever reign.