I'm halfway through "Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids" by Bryan Caplan.

This book is a breath of fresh air for anyone who's ever felt the pressure to over-parent and sacrifice everything for their kids.

Caplan throws out the traditional parenting playbook and argues that we've made it way more complicated than it needs to be. We're bombarded with conflicting advice, endless anxieties, and the constant fear of not doing enough.

Caplan shows that the impact of parenting on a child's success is far less than we think. Genetics and personality play a much bigger role. So, all those hours spent meticulously planning every activity and stressing over every decision? Turns out, they might not be as crucial as we've been led to believe.
This book is a powerful call to relax, enjoy the ride, and focus on what truly matters. It's not about micromanaging every minute of your child's life; it's about building a loving, supportive environment where they can thrive. So if you're feeling overwhelmed by the pressure of modern parenting, pick up this book. It might just change your life (and free up some of your precious time).