Adding a cheerful carol for the holidays, generated by AI (Suno).

In a world of chains and shackles, where freedom was a dream
A few brave souls arose, to make it seem
That liberty's a birthright, not a privilege to be earned
They fought and they prevailed, their voices turned the tide

Oh, the ascendance of the free mind
Unleashing thoughts that never existed
Awakening the world to a new paradigm
Where chains are broken, and liberty reigns

Like slavery's cruel embrace, the state's grip is cold
Stealing our hard-earned wealth, with stories yet untold
Taxation is theft, a burden we must bear
But there's a brighter future, beyond the statist lair

Oh, the ascendance of the free mind
Unleashing thoughts that never existed
Awakening the world to a new paradigm
Where chains are broken, and liberty reigns