So here's another drama. This might end Paralelni Polis, the reputation of Josef Jelačič, or both. And it is an interesting look at justice in free society.

Let's start:


- ETHPrague 2023 happened in Paralelni Polis (I was there, saw it with my own eyes).
- The production company raised money and did not pay rent.
- The money was sent from multisig to some unknown account, @JosefJ_ refuses to talk further and told everyone to go fuck yourself
- Paralelni Polis in financial trouble. A 10 year project that many people put a lot of energy in jeopardy.

There might be a lot of "he said, she said" bla bla. Signal is this - event happened, rent not paid, other side is not discussing it and laughing that Polis will go bankrupt.

I highly suggest boycotting any event organized by @JosefJ_, definitely don't give any money to his PWN DAO (which had a commercial presentation at ETHPrague, also did not pay rent) and definitely do not sponsor any events by them unless they make it right.

If this is it for Paralelni Polis, I hope some other people will carry the ideas, organize events. For me, PP was mainly about HCPP (Hackers Congress Paralelni Polis), which is a one of a kind conference. It was the first place in the world that accepted only Bitcoin for coffee, coworking and other services. There were many stories, many complicated stories as well and a lot happened there. Many interesting projects were started there.

Sadly, probably killed by some powertrip. Don't give the power trippers any more money at least, unless they pay the non-profit what they owe.

What's the thing about reputation and justice in free society?

Transactions are in solarpunk mode (public).

So the main question is if @JosefJ_ wants to be remembered as a scammer who did not pay a non-profit organization entering the last year of its decade rent for an event he organized, despite having money.

Or if he values his reputation more.

My theory is that reputation is worth a lot, especially in the long term and especially with entrepreneurs and in crypto. It's super hard to build it, very easy to lose it. Josef had a good reputation, which he was building for years, yet, he is willing to lose it all due to some idea in his head, which he did not yet said out in public.

This is a sad loss of human potential, but I think it will be a good way to see how justice works in a free society without monopoly on justice. We will only see it long term, if it was worth it for him, even if Paralelni Polis does not make it.

I would like to see who is willing to do any business with him after this, because even the way he treats business partners in the LLC is a huge red flag.

I would love to see a prediction market of the outcome of this paralelni polis drama, episode 1337.