I tried the new rotating on-chain addresses in Phoenix Wallet, so you don't have to (unless you want to use it).

The swap-in address keeps changing, but the funds are spliced-in to the one and only channel. On-chain, you see all the incoming on-chain payments clearly connected to the one channel. The rotating addresses are more of a cosmetic feature than a real privacy feature.

You are paying for two on-chain transactions - one is paid by the sender to mine the transaction, another is paid by you to the miners, for the swap-in. The transaction is quite large (1666 sats in my case), so even with low fees, it was over a dollar. It has one 2-of-2 multisig input (the last channel funding utxo) and one taproot input.

The nice thing is that you will keep your incoming liquidity in the channel.

For privacy, it is better to use boltz swap-in service, although it will probably be a bit more expensive.