From the bird app from my friend wilder:

"From the center of Buenos Aires, I warmly congratulate all Argentines on the result of their democratic elections (although I am not a fan).

The voter turnout here was really high (76%).

Before you start reading the European media's bullshit about Milei being an ultra-right-wing fascist who wants to establish a dictatorship, study his electoral program (especially the economic one).

To vote for his opposition (Massa) was to vote for a continuation of the dramatic economic decline and hyperinflation that Argentina has been facing for decades (Massa was directly responsible for this as Minister of Economy).

Yes, many Argentines voted for Milei out of desperation because they had nothing left to lose - socialists like Massa have ruined their lives with hyperinflation and made Argentina the country with the worst economic decline in Latin America (worse than Venezuela's at the moment).

European politicians, as forged socialists, supported Massa, of course, because it is inconceivable to them that Argentina could become a model of a minimal, lean, and better-functioning state - Milei plans to abolish most of the state, fire most civil servants, abolish most ministries, and abolish most taxes and stop inflation by dollarisation.

When the European media tell you that Milei is a populist, know that populism in Argentina at the moment means abolishing all social packages, abolishing the dysfunctional public health service, and introducing market prices without state subsidies.

Populism in Milei's case means that he wants to abolish all social benefits because Argentines have understood that state social benefits are the most expensive and have been paying for them for years through hyperinflation.

The populism of Milei means that he wants to end relations with socialist countries like Venezuela or China (for which European politicians, who only prattle on about the rights of the Uighurs, have no balls).

Yes, Milei is an emotionally unstable person and has many dark sides (he is in favor of banning abortion because he considers a person's life from the moment of conception, and he is against drugs because he thinks their legalization would burden the public health service, which he plans to abolish). Therefore, he has no clear support among libertarians.

It is not at all certain that he will be able to get his radical agenda through. Many people think not.

Unless he succeeds in dollarising Argentina and greatly curtailing collapsing socialism, the ideas of the minimal state may be transferred to other Latin American socialist states.

The election of Milei is a demonstration that most people in Argentina understand that the state is not the solution, but the main problem. That socialism does not work and has failed completely in Argentina.

It should also be a clear signal to the economically stagnant EU that continuing with tax increases, inflation, new regulations and other encroachments on the freedom of Europeans is a road to hell.

The Argentinians have already figured that out.”