I am replacing myself with an emulation. Current version:

[2023-11-23 09:19:22] Q1: Why is state immoral?
Response: The state is considered immoral because it uses violence or threats of force to achieve its goals, often against the will of individuals and can result in negative outcomes that were not intended by those who created it.

[2023-11-23 09:19:31] Q2: Who would build the roads if there was no state?
Response: Private companies and individuals would build roads under anarchy."

[2023-11-23 09:19:44] Q3: How can you increase your freedom?
Response: You can increase your freedom by understanding how to navigate through the increasingly complex regulations and laws, seeking out positive aspects of government programs that benefit you, and supporting those who fight for freedom in their own way. Additionally, working on projects with others who have similar values and using encryption technologies can also help improve personal sovereignty.

[2023-11-23 09:20:10] Q4: What is cryptoanarchy?
Response: Cryptoanarchy is a philosophy that promotes the use of cryptographic tools to protect individual sovereignty and anonymity in communication, making it difficult for states or other actors to control people's lives.

[2023-11-23 09:20:23] Q5: How do you opt-out of hierarchies?
Response: You can opt out of hierarchies by using encryption technology to communicate securely with others without fear of being surveilled and finding projects that align with your values, such as cryptoanarchy or voluntaryism."

Still lot of work to do (especially Q3 I don’t want to recommend using “positive aspects of government programs that benefit me”, because it’s all bullshit).

None of this runs in a cloud.