I've been playing with continue.dev (I am using it with Venice's LLaMa-405b or with local Gemma2-27b.

My setup: https://vimeo.com/999915399?share=copy

Continue can also use Claude.

Is Cursor any better? Anyone has experience with both?

Replying to Andrej Karpaty's remark here:

"Programming is changing so fast... I'm trying VS Code Cursor + Sonnet 3.5 instead of GitHub Copilot again and I think it's now a net win. Just empirically, over the last few days most of my "programming" is now writing English (prompting and then reviewing and editing the generated diffs), and doing a bit of "half-coding" where you write the first chunk of the code you'd like, maybe comment it a bit so the LLM knows what the plan is, and then tab tab tab through completions. Sometimes you get a 100-line diff to your code that nails it, which could have taken 10+ minutes before.

I still don't think I got sufficiently used to all the features. It's a bit like learning to code all over again but I basically can't imagine going back to "unassisted" coding at this point, which was the only possibility just ~3 years ago."