But who would pick up cotton and grow sugar cane if we abolished slavery?

This is what I hear when I talk to statists asking about roads and courts and whatever is in their domesticated minds.

I don't give a shit. Slavery is wrong.

We have left it behind. Or have we?

- children are forced to go to educational institutions or at least be examined by state examiners. Mandatory education is inexcusable in civilized society. Don't confuse with availability of education - it does not have to be mandatory to be available

- compulsory military service is slavery. Yes, security is expensive. So was picking cotton. People either want it and are willing to pay for it, or they don't.

- micromanaging everything is robbing us of progress. Mandatory charging ports, whitepapers for open source software, central registries of packaging materials and lots of other bullshit.

Yes, these are first world problems. But that does not make it morally justifiable. I don't give a shit who would build the roads without a state. I just know there is no way to justify slavery.

Be on the good side of history, don't let your descendants look down on you because you supported something that's mostly unjustifiable just because you can't imagine who would protect you if you did not force them... Or who would build a road for your fancy car. We'll figure it out.