From the introduction: This book should be different in that it explains how to use the cryptocurrency phenomenon to improve your life. I won't avoid philosophical and economic topics like why non-inflationary money is good – for the individual and for society. However, we will also look at new opportunities in the job market, new industries, products and services (e.g., cryptocurrency custody, hardware wallets). We'll talk about how we can not only tame the infamous volatility but plug it straight into our financial plans. We'll talk about what our options are when the bear attacks (i.e., the Bitcoin price starts falling against the dollar). We'll explain why and how to embrace cryptocurrencies in your business. We'll think about how Bitcoin can help the transition to renewable and green energy just by using proof of work. I'll try to introduce you to my vision of payment networks and possibilities, such as making prediction markets available and useful for getting accurate information about the world, new forms of rewarding content producers, scaling down the financial markets, so they are usable by everyone. We'll talk about how to create a community of people with whom we can use cryptocurrencies together, whether in travel or in commerce with each other. As a bonus, we'll talk about how we can communicate securely once we have that private money without third parties. We'll critique regulations and talk about what to do about them on a global level (deregulate!), but also how we can respond on a personal level. The aim of most of my books including this one is to create a mind-opening effect. The best outcome after reading one chapter should be a thoughtful and curious sigh of "I haven't thought about it that way before." It doesn't mean that you should immediately get a job in a decentralized autonomous organization, go all-in on Bitcoin, move to an island – a tropical tax haven – and build an independent Lightning network there for local payments that work even when the Internet isn't working. You don't even have to immediately start accepting Bitcoin, take out a fiat loan backed by it, or create new prediction markets to get good information. It's quite enough for me to ignite your imagination and creativity, consider these possibilities and realize the enormous opportunities that cryptocurrencies already bring us today.