People ask me about how to get more freedom in their lives. I wrote a book that is a good start "Cryptocurrencies - Hack your way to a better life". But if I am talking about turning of the state, I have two more general pieces of advice:

1) Forget the state solutions. All of them. Most people get fixated on "I'll use the state health insurance, I will get this or that benefit and then I'll get a tax residency somewhere, ...". No. Forget state health insurance. There are no benefits. The way you should be looking at state is in the rearview mirror, riding away from it towards freedom.

2) It's okay to do it slowly. You will not be able to switch all at the same time. Do it step by step. Enter parallel economy. Quit employment, be entrepreneurial. Look for market solutions to all needs that the state still provides to you. Unschool your kids. For many of us, we grew up in a statist society for decades. It is OK for it to take a decade or two to leave.

As for each person's road to freedom, we take quite different roads. I am interacting with people who used @liberatravel services to get another residency. Some have kids, some have jobs, some have a disability and there's no one recipe. It's like X vs. Nostr. X represents the state, you have one app, one interface. With Nostr, you have many choices. That means you need to invest time to figure out what works best for you. But when you do, it's better.

My book with many Bitcoin-related, parallel society and lunparunk freedom hacks: