True to some extent.…

True to some extent.

The second option has several practical limitations:

- you will most probably still be the menu even if you are at the table. The influence of minorities (and we are a minority) is miniscule in democracy and very often backfires. Yet being at the table has huge opportunity cost. I used to be at the table and the impact was much worse than reading a book in my bathtub, which is what I now do whenever I feel the urge to be at the table.

- we have a strategy to not being the menu that actually works today. It's called cryptoanarchy, it works. Bonus point - it pisses off the non libertarian normies a lot. They waste their lives in infinite debates, campaigns and voting and we can create our lives today.

- it hurts our minds and our integrity. We know that majority coercion is violence, we can participate and consider it self defense, but it takes a huge toll, it damages our internal world and integrity.

There is really a more saddening view than watching a libertarian changing things the old way. You hear the words speaking of their experience, but they sound like a cry rather than speech.