If you got rugpulled by RedHat's acquisition of CentOS (servers deleting mirror lists and suddenly subscription is required), know that there is a way out. People over at AlmaLinux project have your back!
To migrate Centos (including Centos Stream 8) to AlmaLinux (which is one of the continuations of this project), you can use almalinux-deploy script. You can in some cases even upgrade to AlmaLinux 9 (based on RHEL9) with ElevateNG, which is another AlmaLinux project for on the fly upgrades.
No need to upgrade to AlmaLinux 9 though, AlmaLinux 8 is supported until 2029, plenty of time.
I have migrated all old CentOS 8 machines (I also use Debian and Ubuntu, to make things more fun) to AlmaLinux and elevated one to 9 (the other one is a hypervisor and I can't easily take a snapshot, the other one is on LUKS partition, which is not supported by Elevate yet).
I love FOSS. No rugpulls allowed!
alma-deploy howto:
ElevateNG howto: