These WEF/bilderberg/world government are groups of old people who like to LARP ruling the world, but despite their wealth and political influence, clash with the reality - world is not controllable, it is a result of human action, but not human design (emergent). It is just chaotic enough to be uncontrollable and just orderly enough to allow decentralized emergent behavior.

I'm not saying they don't have influence nor that their actions are not consequential. They have two problems. First one is no matter how they appear hand in hand, building a better future for us, they can't agree on a goal or a set of goals. This is cartel dynamics - breaking of the cartel is profitable, so while they might seem to sing the same song, they break apart more often than not.

The second problem they have is that central planning does not work. Even if they agreed on a goal, they could achieve specific things, but never anything bigger. As Ferguson said, it is "a result of human action, but not of human design". And it's not because they were bad at it, it's just not possible to control a complex system, especially with broken feedback.